Spider-Man – Tom Holland Takes a Break from “Web-Slinging” to Try His Hand at Dancing

Spider-Man - Tom Holland Takes a Break from "Web-Slinging" to Try His Hand at Dancing

Spider-Man – Tom Holland takes a break from “web-slinging” to try his hand at dancing. Tom Holland will embody the role of the legendary American dancer Fred Astaire.

Spider-Man - Tom Holland Takes a Break from "Web-Slinging" to Try His Hand at Dancing
Spider-Man – Tom Holland Takes a Break from “Web-Slinging” to Try His Hand at Dancing

In a recent interview, Hollywood star Tom Holland confirmed his participation in a new film project, scheduled to begin filming in early 2022. In this project, the actor will portray the legendary American dancer Fred Astaire.

Tom Holland stated that the reason he agreed to participate in this project is because the character’s storyline is unfamiliar, bringing him a lot of inspiration.

There is much about the legendary dancer Fred Astaire for actor Tom Holland to explore. The film revolves around Fred Astaire, who had a 76-year career with performances always “sold out.” He made his mark in the industry by starring in a series of famous Broadway and West End productions.

However, he had a tragic personal life after his first wife passed away in 1954, leaving him to raise their children alone.

It is known that the film will be produced by Sony Pictures Entertainment. However, the official title of the film and the rest of the cast, apart from Tom Holland, have not yet been announced.

Tom Holland (Thomas Stanley Holland) was born in 1996. He is considered a talented actor in Hollywood. In 2008, he began his artistic career, and a few years later, Tom Holland became familiar to audiences when he entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Peter Parker/Spider-Man.

The third installment of “Spider-Man: No Way Home,” in which he plays the lead role, will be released in the UK on December 15 and in the US on December 17, 2021.

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