In a climactic twist reminiscent of real-life political drama, the President and First Lady of Tyler Perry’s “The Oval” delivered bombshells of their own in Tuesday’s Season 5 finale. But the question remains: How is the White House faring amidst the turmoil? To quote the iconic Dorinda Medley, “Not well, bitch!”

As the episode unfolded, Hunter and Victoria’s tumultuous relationship sank to new depths, a remarkable feat considering their turbulent introduction at his inaugural ball. Yet, as viewers have learned, Perry’s portrayal of presidential responsibilities leaves much to be desired, and the show has a knack for escalating conflicts to new heights.
After a suspenseful 30 minutes, the Franklins finally confronted each other, marking a pivotal moment in the episode. Victoria faced off with Jason, who made a dramatic escape from captivity by targeting his mother’s vulnerability. Meanwhile, Hunter attempted to reconcile with his son, offering protection from Victoria’s vengeful father, whose vendetta against Jason remains unresolved.
However, the climax of the finale unfolded in the last 10 minutes, delivering a jaw-dropping cliffhanger that left viewers on edge. In a desperate move, Hunter ordered his mercenaries to unleash gunfire on #TeamVictoria, evoking memories of infamous TV massacres like those in “Game of Thrones” and “Dynasty.” As chaos ensued, the lives of numerous major characters hung in the balance, with the possibility of casualties looming over the entire ensemble. Amidst the chaos, the only confirmed casualty appears to be Richard and Nancy’s marriage, adding another layer of emotional turmoil to the already intense finale.